Заполни пропуски использую данные в скобках глаголы и wall или правильную форму be going to. He

Автор cJIa6ak, Апр. 22, 2024

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Один момент остается неясным. Заполни пропуски использую данные в скобках глаголы и wall или правильную форму be going to.      Hey Mark! What are you going to do during half-term ?  You (nit believe) it but I(visit) Swizerland !  Really ? That's so exciting !Swizrland is great. I'm sure you (love) it.  I think so, too. My family and i (stay) at a hotel near the Swiss Alps.  Wow  Yeah, it great.I (play) in the snow every day.My brother and I _____ also ___(try) to learn how to ski.  You're so lucky.I wish I could go with you.  Maybe you can. (i/ask) my parents ?  Definitely!  OK, then. I (talk) to them tonight.  Great!  I think we should go to class now or we (be) late   You're right. Let's go


Hey Mark! What are you going
to do during half-term ? You won't believe it but I am visiting Swizerland ! Really? That's so exciting!Swizerland is great. I'm sure you will love it. I think so, too. My family and i am staying at a hotel near the Swiss Alps. Wow Yeah, it's great.I am playing in the snow every day.My brother and I are also trying to learn how to ski. You're so lucky.I wish I could go with you. Maybe you can. Will I ask my parents ? Definitely! OK, then. I am talking to them tonight. Great! I think we should go to class now or we will be late. You're right. Let's go