Составьте 5 утвердительных, 5 отрицательных и 5 вопросительных предложений с оборотом to going to. 6

Автор Gamer, Апр. 22, 2024

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Один аспект не совсем понятен. Составьте 5 утвердительных, 5 отрицательных и 5 вопросительных предложений с оборотом to going to


  1. I'm going to be a doctor.

  2. You're going to buy this house.

  3. She's going to leave London.

  4. We're going to visit you tomorrow.

  5. He's going to find a new job.

  6. I am not going to talk with you.

  7. You are not going to go anywhere.

  8. She is not going to live here.

  9. We are not going to use this method.

  10. He is not going to come here.

  11. Am I going to finish the school?

  12. Are you going to do something?

  13. Is she going to visit her grandmother?

  14. Are we going to change it?

  15. Is he going to read this mail?