Complete the task. Tim made a list of rules for his class. Use the verbs and phrases below and the m

Автор PROSTOkAsPeR, Апр. 21, 2024

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Один пункт нуждается в пояснении. Complete the task. Tim made a list of rules for his class. Use the verbs and phrases below and the modal verb "must" to complete these rules. Use the contraction for the negative form of the modal verb (mustn't).

Write 2–4 words in each gap.

to use your smartphone, to be, to listen carefully, to run, to ask, to bully

You ❌🤜
your classmates.

You ❌📱
at class.

You ❌ 🏃�♂️
at class.

You ✔️🕐
on time at class.

You ✔️ 👂
at class.

You ✔️ ✋
questions at class.


You mustn't bully your classmates.

You mustn't use your smartphone at class.

You mustn't run at class.

You must be on time at class.

You must listen carefully at class.

You must ask questions at class.