Put the words in the correct order. 1) to/you/go/school/always/do. 2)sleep/doesn't/early/to/go/she.

Автор MR_Xaker, Апр. 22, 2024

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Есть неясность. Put the words in the correct order. 1) to/you/go/school/always/do. 2)sleep/doesn't/early/to/go/she. 3)he/a lot/the/on/computer/works. 4)they/TV/watch/often/do/night/at.


Put the words in the correct order.

1) to/you/go/school/always/do. — Do you always go to school? — Вы всегда ходите в школу?

2)sleep/doesn't/early/to/go/she. — She doesn't go to sleep early.— Она рано не ложится спать.

3)he/a lot/the/on/computer/works. — He works a lot on the computer. — Он много работает на компьютере.

4)they/TV/watch/often/do/night/at. — Do they often watch TV at night. — Часто ли они смотрят телевизор ночью?