Put the word in the correct order to make full sentences: 1. usually / we / shopping / at / weekend

Автор AJIeKc, Апр. 21, 2024

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Вопрос такого характера. Put the word in the correct order to make full sentences: 1. usually / we / shopping / at / weekend / the / go 2. goes / to / he / bed / sometimes / late 3. TV / watches / never / the / in / Samatha / morning 4. usually / I / dinner / eat / seven / at / past / half 5. his / dad / often / Tim / meets / after / schol


1. usually / we / shopping / at / weekend / the / go. - We usually go shopping at the weekend.
2. goes / to / he / bed / sometimes / late. - Sometimes he goes to bed late.
3. TV / watches / never / the / in / Samatha / morning. - Samatha  never watches TV in the morning.
4. usually / I / dinner / eat / seven / at / past / half. - I usually eat dinner at half past seven.
5. his / dad / often / Tim / meets / after / school. -  Tim often meets his dad after school.