Как переводится SISI. 4 Класс

Автор Stafilak0k, Апр. 21, 2024

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Один пункт нуждается в пояснении. Как переводится SISI


SISI - Единая служба внутренней безопасности (ЕСВБ)

Примеры употребления этого слова в предложениях:

The SISI organization was created long ago, when I was not born yet. The SISI organization was created to ensure order and security in society, so that the bandits could not control the state. The SISI organization has a large number of employees who are well trained and very professional in their response. SISI is active in all countries, including my country. I read a lot of information on the Internet about the organization SISI.


Я думаю что SISI переводедтся на русском языке неженка