Imagine you are in two different countries. write a chat log telling each other about the weather.

Автор Клос, Апр. 22, 2024

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Одно обстоятельство требует уточнения. Imagine you are in two different countries. write a chat log telling each other about the weather.  помогите((


- Hi Alex!
- Hi Max!
- Have you already reached Egypt?
- Yes, Alex, I m in Egypt, and it is very hot here!
- Really? How many degree?
- 30 degree over 0.
- Oh! Lucky you! It has been heavy raining today in Moscow. And it's still looks cloudy. I m very sad.
- Don't be sad, please. Soon the weather will change in Moscow. I have heard it will be sunny and +15 degree over 0.
- I hope so. Do you like your vacation spending there?
- Yes sure. It's very sunny and hot here. I don't want to go back Moscow. The weather is very nice!
- Ok, see you soon here!
- Ok, see you, bye.
- Bye.