I. Раскрой скобки. Поставь глагол в нужную форму.1) Alex … (play) the piano now.2) Kate … (listen) t

Автор Fenrirr, Апр. 21, 2024

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Один пункт нуждается в пояснении. I. Раскрой скобки. Поставь глагол в нужную форму.
1) Alex ... (play) the piano now.
2) Kate ... (listen) to the radio now.
3) We ... (eat) hot dogs now.
4) We (watch) the film now.
5) My granny ... (read) a book now.


1) Alex is playing the piano now. 2) Kate is listening to the radio now. 3) we are eating hot dogs now. 4) We are watching the film now. 5) My granny is reading a book now.