Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. Слова:unhappy, unhealthy, unsuccessful , unfrien

Автор LsB|TakTuk, Апр. 22, 2024

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Такой вопрос. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. Слова:unhappy, unhealthy, unsuccessful , unfriendly, unclean. 1. Rob, you've got ... hands. Go and wash them. 2.Tim eats chips for breakfast, lunch and supper. I think he eats ... food. 3. James Richardson is an ... writer. People don't like his books. 4. My favourite pet died. I'm very ... . 5. Some dots can be ... .


 Rob, you've got unclean hands. Go




. – Роб, у тебя нечистые (грязные) руки. Пойди и вымой их.

2.Tim eats chips for breakfast, lunch and supper. I






. – Тим ест чипсы (жареную картошку) на завтрак, обед и ужин. Я








 James Richardson is an unsuccessful writer. People







. – Джеймс Ричардсон безуспешный писатель. Людям не нравятся его книги.

 My favourite pet died. I





. – Мой домашний питомец умер. Я очень несчастлив.






. – Некоторые собаки могут быть недружелюбными.