8. Cocтавь из слов предложения. Запиши их. Example: got, Jane, many, postcards, yesterday.- Jane got

Автор KRASNODAR, Апр. 21, 2024

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Вопрос такого рода. 8. Cocтавь из слов предложения. Запиши их. Example: got, Jane, many, postcards, yesterday.- Jane got many postcards yesterday. 1) cleaned, Jane's mother, rooms, the. 2) Jane, her, mother, Did, help? 3) didn't, like, She, work, to. 4) go, Why, Jane's, shopping, did, mother?


got, Jane, many, postcards, yesterday.- Jane got many postcards yesterday. — Джейн получила много открыток вчера.

1) cleaned, Jane's mother, rooms, the.—Jane's mother cleaned the rooms. — Мать Джейн убирала комнаты.

 2) Jane, her, mother, Did, help? — Did Jane help her mother? — Джейн помогла матери?

 3) didn't, like, She, work, to. — She didn't like to work. — Ей не нравилось работать.

4) go, Why, Jane's, shopping, did, mother? — Why did Jane's mother go shopping? — Почему мать Джейн пошла по магазинам?